Wednesday, March 26, 2014

....And More

I didn't want to add too many photos at once so I decided to split them up into a few posts so they wouldn't be too cluttered.

This was taken at Cordage Park in Plymouth, MA behind an abandoned old building that was falling apart. It's an old gas line cutoff valve of some kind. I used the Camera Raw filter (originally shot in RAW format) and added some texture and sharpness for detail and slightly adjusted the color contrast in order to see the differences between the dead grass and the valve.

This is a light post located on Cole's Hill across from the Plimoth Rock. I adjusted the vibrance and saturation to accentuate the rustic look of this great light fixture!

Same hill as the light post, but a few yards south. I used an action file in PhotoShop to get this effect and I added just a bit of detail to accentuate the shiny metal casing.

This is an abandoned smoke stack behind Cordage Park in Plymouth, MA. All the red and white specks on the ground are the remains of a demolished building that once was there. I only slightly edited this because I actually framed it exactly how I wanted it and all I did to in in post-processing was to slightly saturate the colors and adjusted the contrast just a bit. The sky was perfect and I use a UV filter on my lens, which helps get that dark blue hue.
 ....more to come....

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