Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's Been A While....

I haven't posted in a while due to some personal changes I have been going through lately, but here is some of my most recent work. I've been trying new things and getting new equipment to experiment with. I hope you enjoy!

This was taken in a marshy area near the Marshfield/Duxbury beaches in Massachusetts. I used 10 images, taken at different exposure levels, combined to create a genuine HDR image. Then I tweaked some of the settings to get the look and feel that I wanted, which typically for me is LOTS of TEXTURE!

This next image was taken in Plymouth with the "Plimoth Rock" behind me. I was looking up at the sky and was instantly inspired to create an inverted image, but then I changed my mind after I saw the result of my original shot. Instead, I decided to adjust the colors a bit until I got a sort of surreal looking color effect.

This photo was taken at the Plymouth waterfront and i took several photos just of the birds flying around trying to get one "just right" of one of them taking off. It was cold and windy and highly uncomfortable but I finally got a decent shot. This photo was cropped down from the original and the colors and tones edited to my liking. I also used the Camera Raw filter in PhotoShop to add some texture and sharpness.
More to come, stay tuned!

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