Saturday, January 4, 2014


Three more photos from my trip to the cape seen here. A gave these photos different treatment to show a more dramatic mood instead of my typical HDR Toning filter that I use for almost everything. The first photo I used something called an "action" in Photoshop. An "action" is basically a copy of someone's actions when they edit a photo. The person creating an action can record each click and each step they take during the editing procedure and bundle it into a file called an action. This gives the user a way of repeating the same procedure over and over with similar results. It's a way of automating the editing process so a photographer can take a series of photos within a set and make them all look similar if they so desire. Action files can be searched in google and most of them are free. Some artists create actions and charge a small fee for using them, and most artists actually ask you to give them credit for their actions being used in your photos. I don't remember the authors of the actions I used for these photos, but I saved the photos with the name of the action used for each of them.




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