Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Path

This is another older photo I worked on today. Cropped it down, added a little HDR toning, amped the color saturation up a bit for depth, and this was the end result. I'm learning that properly cropping a photo helps A LOT in creating a very pleasing image. I always hated cropping because my thought was, "If I took the photo that way, then that's the way I wanted it.", but by cropping out some unneeded details and even some out of place objects, you end up with a completely different composition. It's kind of like taking a story and rewriting a poem from it. It's still telling the same tale, just in a different way. i was actually quite amazed at what a difference it made to crop it the way I did. Just for fun I will add the original photo under the edited one. Another thing I'd like to point out is that my edited image began as a RAW image and the image below my edit is the "JPEG" version of the original.

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