Monday, January 20, 2014

Experimenting With Orb Shadows

I took a sample photo in the default Windows 7 pictures folder and decided to use it to experiment with making orbs/spheres and their shadows. I spent a considerable amount of time on it purely because my computer was being slow. I was trying to figure it out on my own and attempted to be clever and considered all options and all factors about the photo such as location of the lighting and the terrain and how it affects the shadow. After a long few hours of tinkering around with everything, this was my "final" product. i know I could have done better if I spent more time on it but quite honestly I was just too annoyed to continue.

 It's meant to look like a glass orb is floating above left of the rock formation and reflecting the terrain below it and around it in a mirrored image upside down. The fact that it is meant to be a glass-like orb, the shadow would presumably be slightly transparent. I made my best attempt at making it as life-like and as real-looking as possible. I plan on practicing more until I get it right.

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