Monday, January 20, 2014

My Moon, Sweet Moon

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to shoot photos of the stars and the moon? Extremely difficult without the right knowledge and equipment. It's so difficult because the light reflecting off the moon is so bright that it's difficult to see it well enough to focus on it. Auto-focus very rarely works and on all the websites I've researched about star shooting and moon shooting say that you should start at "infinity" with your focus ring and keep shooting at different focal lengths until you get desired results. That would take forever! Not only that, but trying to fine-tune your focus by taking shot after shot is just insane! For this photo I used my Quantaray 70-300mm telephoto/macro lens, on a tripod and flat ground in the pitch blackness of my backyard. It took a lot of time and a lot of Redbull to get it right, but I finally got one shot out of it that was decent. The blurry-ness of the image is due to the crappy quality of the lens. If the glass on your lens is junk, you will get junk photos especially when you are zooming in to the subject. The junky glass creates a messy warping effect because of the imperfections of the glass. You can have the best, highest megapixel camera in the world, but if your lens is crap then your images won't be as clear as you think. Evidence:

It's still a pretty awesome photo but I had to crop the hell out of it to make it the size it is.

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