Thursday, January 2, 2014


This was done at my house. It's an example of the copy and paste method of editing a photo to create a false image. The previous image had 3 separate photos combined into one image, but this one is technically 2 photos. The first photo was taken of me standing on a bucket. The second photo was taken of just the background. Use a tripod, don't move the camera, and voila! The use a photo editing program such as Photoshop CC and when you combine the two photos, each as it's own layer, you can erase the bucket from the second photo and it looks like I'm floating in mid-air. Then I selected myself using the quick selection tool and copied myself twice and placed myself on either side of the first "me". I could've done a lot more with it but I left it as-is so I could post it. I also couldn't do any further editing because the original photos were not taken with my camera and I didn't save them to my computer, I only saved the edit.

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