Sunday, January 19, 2014


The mystery of the red door..... just kidding, this is one of my old Boston photos that I took and messed around with. I added color to the door because the original was B&W, and I cropped just a bit out of it so there wasn't so much outside detail. The first photo is just the added color to the door, and the second photo I did some liquifying to using the liquify filter in Photoshop CC.

w/o liquify
 with liquify
 An added note: It took me a LONG time to select the areas I DIDN'T want to color, but I realized it's ok to be a bit sloppy when selecting because if anything gets colored that you DON'T want colored, just use the erase tool to remove the color. The only bad part is that if you want to ADD more color to it, you have to repeat the process of selecting areas to color and add that to the mask. If you want to get really specific about your selections, take your time and make sure you are using a pen and not a mouse. All my work is done with a mouse because I can't afford a pen. A mouse isn't accurate or stable enough to use for intricate work, even if you zoom in really tight, the mouse still has a habit of jumping around.

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